August IO Peer Review

How I Was Evaluated:

Criterion A: 7-8/10

Criterion B:7-8/10

Criterion C:7-8/10

Criterion D:7-8/10

How I Evaluated My Peer (Anabella):

Criterion A: 5-6/10

Criterion B: 3-4/10

Criterion C: 3-4/10

Criterion D: 5/6/10

What I learned From Anabella’s IO:

Through this IO, I was exposed to a new perspective on the Handmaid’s Tale. It wasn’t a book that I would have ever described as hopeful, but Anabella’s interpretation of Moira’s characterization and her impact throughout the novel made me reflect on this. Her argument of how Moira represented hope for the handmaid and discussion about how the handmaid’s were the hope of Gilead to thrive made me realize this. This IO made me think about why women and children often symbolize hope and have this connotation. As I was reflecting on it later, I thought this could be because children create the possibility for change –starting over and creating something better than what came before. And women have the power to shape their children’s minds, they’re the ones who bring the children into the world. So this hope stems from the idea that they bring the possibility for change.

What I need to do to Improve my IO:

In order to improve my IO, I want to revise and make sure that I’m not just stating effects for each piece of evidence (or for each combination if I did combined PEAS). I want to integrate effect into my argument more efficiently so that it helps convey my thesis instead of sounding like details that I simply added. I also want to practice it out loud to my mom (or other family members) so that I’m speaking with purpose and not just to myself. This way, I can catch phrases that sound awkward or are grammatically incorrect. A lot of the details I need to improve within my IO have to do with awkward or inefficient phrasing that could show my understanding better if I rephrased them. Overall, I’m pleased with the main ideas of my argument, however I know I can make the argument more convincing with some fine-tuning.

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